About our village

Raithuwa is a Village in Masodha Block in Faizabad District of Uttar Pradesh State, India with total 336 families residing. The Raithuwa village has population of more than 4000 of which around half are males while half are females as per Population Census 2011. belongs to Faizabad Division. It is located 15 KM towards South from District headquarters Faizabad.
Raithuwa Pin code is 224202, there is a post office in the village.
 In Raithuwa village population of children with age 0-6 is more than 850 which makes up around 34 % of total population of village. Average Sex Ratio of Raithuwa village is 1003 which is higher than Uttar Pradesh state average of 912. Child Sex Ratio for the Raithuwa as per census is 912, higher than Uttar Pradesh average of 902.
Raithuwa village has lower literacy rate compared to Uttar Pradesh. In 2011, literacy rate of Raithuwa village was 65.12 % compared to 67.68 % of Uttar Pradesh. In Raithuwa Male literacy stands at 75.32 % while female literacy rate was 55.15 %.
The village is headed by Pradhan (Head of Village) who is elected representative of village as per constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act,  There are two primary school in the village. One is government primary school while another is an Urdu medium school. Within 5 km there are more than 10 schools, colleges & degree colleges. 
